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Tainted School Breakfast Sickens 65 Kids (2人在浏览)


Tainted School Breakfast Sickens 65 Kids

Sixty-five children in Guangdong Province fell ill after eating breakfast at a school canteen on Monday, ten of them seriously.

The 65 children were sent to local clinics and hospitals for treatment at midday on Monday when headaches, cramps and vomiting set in after they had had breakfast in the school canteen at about 7:00 AM. They were diagnosed with food poisoning and most were treated with gastric lavage and intravenous drips.

The ten seriously children were transferred to Dianbai County People's Hospital and Maoming Municipal People's Hospital, where they remained hospitalized Tuesday in serious but stable condition.

A doctor at Dianbai County People's Hospital said that the ten were out of danger and receiving treatment by intravenous drip, while the remaining children had all been released. "No deaths have been reported so far," the doctor added.

All the victims are aged between 13 and 17 years and are students at Wangling Middle School, where 1,450 children are enrolled.

Officials believe the food the children ate was contaminated with some kind of rat poison.

An investigation is under way.
Depositor's Ordeal to Recover Half a Million Yuan

A man in Dianbai County has spent the past 10 years trying to recover half a million yuan (US$60,481.4) he said he had deposited with a bank.

When Zhou Shikun tried to withdraw money in September 1993, the Yangjiao Township Credit Cooperative refused to pay, saying his deposit passbook was a fake.

Even worse, local prosecutors detained him for four days suspecting that he had conspired with a bank staff member to embezzle public funds.

He was tortured for more than 30 hours during the investigation, Zhou alleged in an interview with CCTV on Tuesday.

Investigators from the Dianbai County Procuratorate tied him to anti-theft steel bars and deprived him of sleep for more than 40 hours, he said. When he cried, the officers stuffed curtain cloth in his mouth, Zhou told the interviewer.

The officials suspected Zhou and He Ruiyuan, the bank staff member, had collaborated to forge the deposit slip to extort 500,000 yuan from the bank.

The investigations began shortly after Zhou sued the bank to get the money back.

Zhou said he handed the money to He, who in return gave him a passbook with an official stamp. Zhou did not go to the bank when the amount was deposited because He was a bank employee responsible for soliciting deposits outside the bank.

But the bank said it had never received the money.

The investigation by the procuratorate found He had persuaded Zhou to deposit the money in the bank so that He's son and another man, Luo Yunzhong, could obtain a loan from the bank for a business transaction. Zhou had earlier refused to lend the money to He's son, the investigators said.

However, He did not take the money to the bank. Instead, he gave it to his son and Luo. The business failed and both He's son and Luo had since disappeared.

In February 2003, Zhou won a lawsuit against the bank. The Dianbai People's Court ruled that the deposit was legal and the bank should repay him 500,000 yuan with interest.

The bank has appealed and the case is being retried.

Zhou has also lodged a complaint accusing officials of the procuratorate of irregularities in handling the case.
Typhoon Yutu Causes Heavy Damage to Guangdong

The wind power of Yutu, which was followed by a rainstorm, measured at 12 degrees in the core area, and its speed reached 33 meters per second, local sources said. The total economic losses in the city stood at 349 million yuan (US$42 million). Some 126 km of roads and numerous water facilities were damaged during the typhoon’s five-hour rampage in the region. The economic loss in Dianbai County was around 278 million yuan (US$33.5 million), including over 160 million yuan in agriculture. Nearly 8,900 houses were affected by the typhoon and over 2,340 were destroyed.
.good !i had been saw that news before
it's seems that ,the news of Dian Bai comes form <China daily>
right ?
I had seen those news in Chinese version before. "DianBai" is a place where it famous in produces negative news. It always has "scandal" news surprises the whole world once in a while. Why "DianBai" is always the entertainer???????
QUOTE(abalone @ 2005年04月03日 Sunday, 02:57 AM)
.good !i had been saw that news before
it's seems that ,the news of Dian Bai comes form <China daily>
right ?

同志们,应该叫 read news 吧? 而不是 see or saw or seen吧!!??
QUOTE(chinabb @ 2005年04月03日 Sunday, 12:20 PM)
同志们,应该叫 read news 吧? 而不是 see or saw or seen吧!!??

right !seriously speaking ,we can't say "saw news " ,so we should say "read".but some times "saw or seen news "means that ,we just "browse or skim"the news.
maybe my Einglish is "chinglish"

