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suppose you were she (1人在浏览)


My friend, a plain but capable girl, is going to meet her boyfriend's parents this summer vocation. Now she's very nervous and even a bit worried about the engagement for some reasons.
Firstly, her bf's mother is not that friendly, for she doesn't agree his son to have a gf whilst at school. Then, my friend is not that beautiful, gentle and quiet. Unlike some other girls, she won't be a weaker before her bf. Altogether, she differs greatly from that kind of a traditional Chinese girl.
She's really a nice and kind girl in my eye, the thing is, according to our conventions, she maybe not that good in a Chinese parent's eye

I failed to comfort her~
and she's wondering what to do all day long...
I don't see any problem at all if both of them are in love. The person who she is facing and living with for the rest of her life is her husband, not his parents. What kind of tradition is that? This is not the old days. We are living the modern era. You don't need to pretend to be a traditional girl. You just be the real person as you are. As long as you can do the best of what you can and respect the elders, I don't think there is any problem.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月17日 Sunday, 02:05 AM)
I don't see any problem at all if both of them are in love. The person who she is facing and living with for the rest of her life is her husband, not his parents. What kind of tradition is that? This is not the old days. We are living the modern era. You don't need to pretend to be a traditional girl. You just be the real person as you are. As long as you can do the best of what you can and respect the elders, I don't think there is any problem.

Agree. I also think that she doesn't need to change herself. But neither hey bf's parents nor many other parents think so, they're still holding some old thinking. She doesn't want to pretend to be some one, either.
I think she should think about how to entertain her boyfriend's parents. As we know, mother-in-law problem is a world-wide one, which causes many other problem in other aspects of marriage life. No one wants his marriage life to be more and more troublesome. So, to entertain his parents can absolutely change their views towards her. If they will live together with his parents, she should think over it carefully and cautiously.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mean she's supposed to change her character and living style, but I do mean she's supposed to resort to her feature of her character to entertain their parents. I don't think his parents are so traditional as impossible to accept a little bit modern entertainment. In fact, our parents were ever deep in love and knew what is romance. If keep doing it, she would move his parents sooner or later.
Take it easy !
Time is the best way to put out the problem.
QUOTE(pink @ 2005年07月17日 Sunday, 02:41 PM)
Take it easy !
Time is the best way to put out the problem.

To worry to much will make you more confused. But you have to think about it when you've calmed down.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月18日 Monday, 07:16 PM)
To worry to much will make you more confused. But you have to think about it when you've calmed down.


Not me, it's my friend. Anyway,thanks for your advice
QUOTE(呼呼 @ 2005年07月19日 Tuesday, 12:17 PM)
Not me, it's my friend. Anyway,thanks for your advice


Sorry for my mistake.
Hope everything will be fine. Both you and your friend will be fine. God bless you both.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月19日 Tuesday, 06:31 PM)
Sorry for my mistake.
Hope everything will be fine. Both you and your friend will be fine. God bless you both.


Thanks. The same to you
To worry too much would not make it better.So ,just take it easy and let it be~~~~~~~~~~~
When I took my girlfriend back to my family.Objections were everywhere,while,nowadays they are talking when will we get marry~~~~~~~~so don`t draw the conclusion so early~~~
His family objects their love affair just because they are still students in college. Once they graduate and take a work,things will be better.
As for the misunderstands from other people,let it be
Keep this love till they work?

