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Friendship and New Year (2人在浏览)


Every time basic scholarship was handed out, it could be 60 or 90 yuan. However, I was very happy. Almost every classmate enjoyed this happiness, except the F's. Although 60 yuan was not big money and it might just be used to bought two or three boxes of condems, it did work as inspiring scholarship and it seemed for the new year.

On the last day of 2005, I didn't know whether to celebrate this new year. I didn't like to be with too many people. A group of them didn't invite me anyway. To be with some girl may have been not fit at this special time which was made for the pairs. Jimmy was released coz his girl friend had to be with her family. Hence, he was left alone in his small and warmful house. Having nothing to do, I accompanied him to choose a birthday gift for his girlfriend. We were walking and choosing as talking. Although he didn't figure out what to buy, we went back to Gui Temple and ate something. It was a really joyful time.

On the first day of 2006, I went to Eastern Gate with Jimmy and bought clothes with Eric. I bought lots of clothes might be worth 1000 yuan or more. As usual as before, we were talking all alone. Thus, my new year began with a pile of clothes. To be with friends is also a good way enjoy the festival. Er... It sounds like bull shit. Talking with joy, usually friendship is like this, isn't it?
pleased to read ur words..
how come this "A group of them didn't invite me anyway. "??the ppl around u, i think, freak or sth? sucks, drop it...
anyway, happy new year!
No. That group and I just in different beliefs. I also advise you not to be too judgemental.
It sounds like you really enjoyed shopping and having fun with your best friends.
Yes, I do. Shopping gives me great joy, especially with the friends. I am very bad at bargaining, so I have to go to the brand shops. Although the clothes there is more expensive, the quality is better. Not like the girls, I don't aim at finding the best-fit. I think it costs too much time. I just need to buy some which belong to my type. Sometimes, shopping is really backbreaking. When I got back to the dorm with 5 bags of clothes, I almost fainted off. Haha...
happy new year!
QUOTE(mask @ 2006年01月04日 Wednesday, 10:36 AM)
Yes, I do. Shopping gives me great joy, especially with the friends. I am very bad at bargaining, so I have to go to the brand shops. Although the clothes there is more expensive, the quality is better. Not like the girls, I don't aim at finding the best-fit. I think it costs too much time. I just need to buy some which belong to my type. Sometimes, shopping is really backbreaking. When I got back to the dorm with 5 bags of clothes, I almost fainted off. Haha...

You were really buying without stint!
I think I am kind of economical person. I usually choose stuffs very carefully. Maybe I am not a wealthy person.....!
In fact, I hang out to buy clothes once several months, but once I go, I buy a lot for the season. Haha...

It's nothing about the wealth. The clothes I bought are not very expensive. ~

