以前听过一首歌叫BK love 一直想知道BK是什么意思 希望哪位可以帮到我~~谢~~
隐形人 小学一年级 注册 2005-07-06 帖子 122 反馈评分 0 点数 1 年龄 35 2005-09-17 #1 以前听过一首歌叫BK love 一直想知道BK是什么意思 希望哪位可以帮到我~~谢~~
蜜蜂 NULL 版主 注册 2004-10-07 帖子 2,084 反馈评分 5 点数 61 2005-10-14 #3 I am not sure what "BK" means. maybe it's "berkelium" in chemistry, or it's just a name for the band or "BK" is well know as "Berger King" in the U.S. [attachmentid=48783] 附件 bk.jpg 42 KB · 查看: 414
I am not sure what "BK" means. maybe it's "berkelium" in chemistry, or it's just a name for the band or "BK" is well know as "Berger King" in the U.S. [attachmentid=48783]