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Bee,come in .I have something for you ! (1人在浏览)


Bee, Thanks ,you take a photo to me .haha ,I have collected it..
Here is the photo taken by me today,the area on the photo,you must know it.and you must had been to there. but you have been to US.for many year. maybe you can remenber it in a moment.. So I just make a fun , can you guess what the area is?I live and I like there ....later .I will express more for that area in my personal opion .And put the full part of the photo here to you ,the photo that I post in this messege is part of it.

If the other people who see the burden first than Bee, If you know ,please don't explore , thanks!!!!Just make a misterious.


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Thanks for sharing the pictures with me. I don't know where it is. I am totally lost. I don't think this place is still the same as many year ago. Just tell me la.............!
It's Triangle Agora. (三角墟). I translate it myself. Haha... Maybe it's not right.
here are the totol of it!


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mask is right . the area is San Jiao Xu . It's a very important area in DianBai . the little town is charactoring, It's the most imigrant town in DianBai .so you can feel that the area is so linient that who go to live there must like there . maybe that is the reason cause the "pyramid selling". You can see whatever cultur in DIanBai there,It's so fun, the people who live there the man always go to do business outside . 80% fammlis are the business family . so there has a similar with those family : the man are go outside to ern money .the woman live in the house look after the child and the aged. the woman is so relax in day and night .Of cource there has many fresh fish transport to there and that transport to the others plaece , so in the morning , there has many car to transport there, It's very buisniss.There also has many people like socer. In the DianHai forum that you can see the San Jian Xu socer Team. And before them also has some older socer team . as far as I know , that team is the only one in San Jiao Xu area now. why I say socer .because there are limited area that can has so many people like socer .But because of laching of playground, the people play socer in there is less more and more. There also has a Universty for old people that is the only one school for old man in DianBai .The old people can learn something there, such as computer, art. dance etc. in all that can make the old people's life is so womderful . Talking about the food in San Jiao Xu . because of the culture there, so you can see many food that is the specal food in the others province ,it's tasty.
There also has something that pollute the area, First , pyramid selling that is crime. Secend, the pornor carea, Thirst, the building that has not builded up for many years. that is so ugly.Those are bad ,so I dodn't tell more. Back to the eath ,I like San Jiao Xu.
Thanks for your introduction and explanation! It's totally difference what I had seen many years ago. If I still remembered correctly, I don't think there were so many buildings and businesses around there 15 years ago. It looks like the area is much complicated and the crowd is much mix up now. The people come and go from other places all have their own purposes. There are some good and bad. It's develop as a prosperious town now. The people who live there must be rich, right?
Bee ,you are quite right , 15years ago ,there is not so many buildings. it's begin to develop. Today , there are so many building now. Maybe some buisnesses are rich . many family has there own car , you know chinese is not so many people has his own car. I think most of the family are not very rich and not very rich.
Thanks again!
From the pictures, I can see there are a lot of buildings and houses. I think the quality of people's lives must improve a lots.

