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英文粗话、脏话的翻译 (1人在浏览)



世界上大概没有哪一种语言文字不带粗语、脏话的成分。特别是文学作品里,粗语、脏话时有所见(所闻)。我们用母语演讲、写作时完全可以做到少用或者不使用这类不文雅的字眼,但在作翻译时就身不由己了。对原作中所出现的粗鄙字眼,即所谓“四字母词(four letter words)”如果避而不译,或者在翻译时随便加以“净化”,说得轻点就是不“信”,说得重点是对原作的歪曲。无论原话有多“粗”、多“脏”,它们毕竟是原作的有机组成部分。在文学作品中,出自某些人物之口的诅语、粗话,正是他们心理活动、情绪变化的写照。也是作家借以表现人物性格的重要手段之一。

英文里最常见的诅语恐怕非“damn”一词莫属了。另外,“son of a bitch"也常用作骂人的话。对这些“老牌号”诅语,汉语里似乎已有相对固定的译法,前者多译作“该死”,后者常译为“婊子养的”或“狗狼养的”。有“老牌”就有“新秀”。发现,“shit”一词作为诅语,大有后来居上之势。在当代文学作品里,在人物的对话中,该词的出现频率相当高。不仅男人将其挂在嘴边,女流之辈也频频使用;不光成人说,小孩也会用;受过良好教育者时不时要用到,更不用说那些缺少修养的"大老粗”们了。凡是遇到不顺心的事,或表示厌烦、不满、困惑想发牢骚时,人们动不动就是“shit”。正因为该词可用来表示多种复杂的心态和情绪,在译成汉语时译者就得多一个心眼,不能把目光停留在英汉词典所列举的那么几个有限的选择上,而应根据上下文和其表达的不同含义,在汉语里挑选感情色彩相应或相当的同语加以表达。

  1. The telephone rang.
“Shit,”Dale said.
The phone kept ringing.
“Don't answer it”, she whispered.
“It might be Joanna,”I said.
“No. It's your fucking friend Bloom,”she said.
It was my fucking friend Bloom.”

  2. I put the receiver back on the cradle. Frank was still staring and scowling at me.
“What'd he want?”he asked.
“They've got George Harper. Morrie asked me to represent him during the Q and A.”
“Shit,”Frank said.”


  3.“Some pow'ful shit. Cost enough,but,man,it was pow'ful.”
  这是一个黑人妇女在注射毒品后所说的,“shit”显然是毒品的代名词。 pow'ful shit可译为“挺厉害的玩意儿”。

  4.“Susan,”I said, my voice rising,”I called to tell you that I'm home and Joanria is still in Mexico,She'll be back this Saturday and that's all I have to say to you.”
  “That's not a11 Eliot will have to say to you.” “I welcome a call from that mealy-mouthed shit,”I said, and hung up, trembling.
   这是一对已离婚的夫妻在电话里的对话。女方责怪前夫不该自己先回国而把女儿留在墨西哥。 Eliot是女方“的私人律师中男方对他本来就有反感,听到前妻提到他的名字便气不打一处来,“shit”用来指人,可译为“混蛋”。

  5.“Yes. She was a very beautiful woman, Morrie.”
  “Yeah,”he said, and shook his head,"That's the shit of it,ain't it?From what I get from the complaint,she was beaten up real bad.So now she turns up on the beach,burned to death.Does it seem like a coincidence to you?”
   这是一个警官与律师在谈论一桩凶杀案。受害老是一个年轻美女,案情扑朔迷离,警方一筹莫展,“shit”出自一个警官之口,正是他无可奈何心境的写照。与例3、例4不同的是,该词在上下文中尽管也用作名词,但没有明确的指代关系R是暗示案情复杂,难以理清头绪,因此翻译时就不一定要译成相应的名词。将“That's the shit of it”译作“事情怪就怪在这里”。


  6.“Susan,cut it out.”
  “Cut what out?"
  “This bullshit about Dale."
  “l certainly hope you don't use that kind of language in Jodanna's presence. It's bad enough…”

  7. She told me a woman out on Fatback Key formed a committee…" “Oh,yeah,that bullshit committee,…

  在以上两例中,shit与bull一起构成bullshit,前一个为名词后一个用作形容词,修饰committee。从上下文看, 前者指的是说话人前妻Susan对现在的情人Dale所使用的一个很难听的称号,另外考虑到下文里对方的抗议,即“that kind of language和“bad enough…",认为可将bullshit译作“狗屁”. bullshit committee措的是一个群体淫乱团伙,故将其译作“乌七八糟委员会”。

   除“shit”外,在此类词中较常见的还有“fuck (fucking,fucker),piss,cunt等,这些词单个地偶尔出现在文章或作品里并不足为怪;但若同时出现在同一句子中,则不得不令人称奇。下面就有这么一个例子:

  “And her language…well, she curses a lot, even more than any of the other girls do-that's normal for Saint Mark’s, cursing a lot,the whole `shit,piss,cunt,fuck' routine, you know。 But Heather really goes overboard with it,like she’s trying to prove how mature she is,you know what I mean?"
  I was still reeling over the string of profanities my fourteen-year-old daughter had casually dropped into the conversation。

  双引号中是一位上中学的女儿向父亲介绍班上一位名叫Heather的同学时所说的话,目的是想告诉父亲她这位同学是如何满口脏话,不知羞耻,其中单引号里的四个词是典型的“four letter words”。翻开英汉词典,“shit”和“piss”分别是“大便”和“撒尿”,如此这般译成中文,平淡无奇,不足以表现Heather那种缺少教养、俗不可耐的“小痞子”神态。而“cunt"是女性生殖器,“fuck’是指发生性行为,直译过来显然也不妥。遇到这种情况,译者不必拘泥于原文字面意义,应跳出原文局限,在汉语词汇中挑选出几个粗俗、脏鄙的字眼来。将上文拟译如下:
   “还有她的言谈……唉,她满口脏话,比别的女孩子脏话都多――在圣・马克中学,满口脏话者大有人在,像`他妈的,日他娘,狗日的,操你奶奶’之类,知道不?但希瑟更是有过之而无不及,像是要证明她是多么成熟似的。懂我的意思么?” 我十四岁的女儿一口气说出了这么一长串粗鲁的语言,一时令我目瞪口呆。

Why people keep posting these "essential" language? Do we need to learn them before we start learning English? Is this a fun thing to do?
I think we should learn something more useful....
QUOTE(Ealam777 @ 2005年08月01日 Monday, 01:09 PM)
I think we should learn something more useful....

That's right!
en ..
i donot think so ...
Our teacher told me,those things just happen in movies, in fact they don't say these words so continually, don't say these words it won't show you cool,it just show how fool the people saying this. I don't like the people of that kind
QUOTE(Ealam777 @ 2005年08月01日 Monday, 01:09 PM)
I think we should learn something more useful....

i think these will be useful
we always learn them before we start learning a certian language
QUOTE(LeonLai @ 2005年09月30日 Friday, 06:57 AM)
Does the American likes to eat the excrement?Really unimaginable!!

Young man, watch your language!
Although it's free of speech and express at here, please be responsible for whatever you say.
QUOTE(kennylee @ 2005年09月30日 Friday, 01:56 PM)

QUOTE(LeonLai @ 2005年09月30日 Friday, 06:58 AM)
The Chinese likes to scold mother of other people

everywhere so
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年09月30日 Friday, 01:14 PM)
Young man, watch your language!
Although it's free of speech and express at here, please be responsible for whatever you say.

i am very sorry.
Just for fun, forgive me.
Actually, Dianbainese ocassionlly use filithy language. But, It rather don't use it. People have conversatin with you must prefer to listening civilized language.

