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签名图片教程. (28人在浏览)

QUOTE(秋叶原 @ 2006年04月07日 Friday, 11:30 AM)
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Fall weather is little by little cooler, sweaters has become the greatest item of clothing. Men's sweater is also a multitude of styles, or a gentleman and also indecent or personality without being dedicated to the skin. Here to share with you some of the mens sweater matching rules, it is possible to refer to go that has a personality of its unique clothing. Autumn men Cardigan associated with match rule purple regarding Cardigan match dark go well with wearing fashion and plus personality, in steady in the show ya skin regarding style. and purple are these claims year of fashion color one deep v training collar of square Opening, placket, open up front, Cardigan front Cardigan stylish fashion, match deep blue corduroy suit wearing, elegant and and has personal personality orange of open collar Cardigan fashion excitement, match simple of black coat and stripes Gulf pants, mature stable from the show gentleman demeanor
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Attract the other sex for men dressed up up eye dressing TIPS 1: more than some OK continuous Hat t shirts and caps Jersey, it is a campaign-style ICON, but the magic lies in having different use or fur, instantly showing various styles to discover demonstrations of popular topic Robert Pattinson, wear wear is extremely temperament. Men most attracts precise eyes of dress dress up up even Cap top should is spring and autumn of any large plays has, wearing comfortable and easy match, spring can dress yourself in in coat inside, spring Hou can simple to sets to put it briefly sleeves t-outside, let even Cap shirt exactly to into you regarding overall styling among, how using different single products Zhijian of interactive sexual, maximum degree to exploration out it potential regarding fashion element, this will certainly became men were around out dress up Qian, in itself dress for complement real of important test.
1th page: in the particular Delta short show well put together sense 2nd page: is good at using bright color 1 / 3 page: more several furthermore OK of even Limitation shirt even Cap clothing 4th page: fit, fit men most attracts precise eyes of dress costume up TIPS 2: in good shape, fit, also is fit! if you is not really middle school students, and Hip Hop enthusiasts and also Super beer belly, slackness of clothes absolute isn't going to for you, especially Dang you needed to wearing they to gone to party or dating of when, look at Asia Street, fit of suit, fit of health clothes and Tee, even are not able to like t Taiwan report male model as thin to bones, also to complete fit comfort. Attract the opposite sex for men wanting dress dress up
TIPS 3: Delta short display awesome. Sleeve is longer versus the lower hem of a gown styles, to maximize the display neat, and its this that the boys have specific needs attention, you nasty girlfriend would not want you, even in the event you folded to wear many, not too long lengthy, you know, in actual life, we don't want to own a pony on along side it. Attract the opposite intimacy for men dressed " up " eye dressing texture thin nylon fabric would be to create a style choose, in addition to providing warm,, with shiny surface cut from cloth jacket with a great eye-catching fashion attitude, additional sporty and rubbing in to, simple style of integration in most detail the ingenious minds, along side the dress up and accessories equally eye-catching. 1th internet page: in the Delta simple show neat sense minute page: is good during using bright color finally page: more several as well OK of even Cover shirt even Cap tank top 4th page: fit, healthy men most attracts specific eyes of dress gown up TIPS 4: is great at using bright color this year of men's trend within the has a keywords can be bright, in view regarding it of gorgeous spectacular, let many male compatriots can not tries to, actually providing selected on single items, again bright of color moreover , you may can mastering. Starting point for a few of the selected shade: season, occasion, dress design and personality. Many brands had begun to focus on men's moral character. That perfect the body costume, never gunangnang in to a ball in your attire, or you are soon after as if floating frustratedly handle a sack. No matter how fat you might be, please remember, do not really wear loose clothing, Comfortable clothes turn you into look more spirit.
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