So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. My prayers to you and your family through this difficult time. Losing a parent is never easy. May your loving mom Rest In Peace!
楼主节哀!!! strong as your name!!!
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2010年07月26日 Monday, 07:45 AM)
So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. My prayers to you and your family through this difficult time. Losing a parent is never easy. May your loving mom Rest In Peace!
楼主节哀!!! strong as your name!!!
谢谢住在Bay Area 的蜜蜂先生。你有心了,如果我不猜错的话,你是沙院人士吧。回到湾区后,希望能有机会与你喝Coffee. 据我所知,生活在Bay Area的电白老乡不出5个家庭。能在异国他乡同乡里小酌,你道是何种心境。。。。。。