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【原创】电白县(水东镇)的英文介绍 (2人在浏览)


DianBai County was established in 528 AD, and covers a geographical area of 2,180 square kilometers. It has a population of about 435,000 people, and contains 17 towns. The county government center was located in Shuidong Town. The southern and western areas are flat delta planes on the coast of the South China Sea.
The average temperature is 23 degrees C., with the low coming in January (15.9 C) and the high in July (28.5 C). Average rainfall is 1.9 meters, or over 3 feet per year, most of that coming during the typhoon season of Summer and Autumn.
Primary minerals are coal, copper and zinc, and agricultural products include rice, peanuts, sugar cane, fruits, vegetables and tobacco.
DianBai County lacks any heavy industry, but has several forms of light industry, including engineering, construction, refining, sugar processing, printing and porcelain.

Traveling to DianBai

DianBai can be reached by bus and train (through Maoming) from Guangzhou. A bus ticket from Guangzhou costs about 100 rmb ($12). Buses depart nearly every hour from the main Guangzhou bus terminal, and the trip takes about 5 ½ hours.

There are only a few hotels in DianBai, the nicest one being the DianBai Hotel, located at the end of the main shopping street. An overnight stay costs about $25. If you stay here, you will need to visit one of the local internet cafes to access e-mail, since the owner of this hotel is not yet current with modern technology, and will not let you use your computer modem in your room without charging hefty fees. Fortunately, there are plenty of internet shops available, and prices are only .25 an hour!!

The main mode of transportation in DianBai is motorcycle taxis, which will take you almost anywhere you want to go for .25. These drivers are very familiar with even the smallest, out-of-the-way locations, and are a perfect way to visit the orphanage, finding locations, or any other place you might want to visit.

One of the best places to visit is the "#1 Beach of China" resort. Located about 20 kilometers from downtown, this resort has many fresh seafood restaurants, trinket shops, and several hotels (also very cheaply priced). The beach is amazingly clean, and littered with various types of sea shells and other ocean life. You will want to hire a auto taxi for a trip here (30 rmb), but it is definitely worth it. If weather permits, make sure you allow yourself the luxury of eating dinner on the beach, where the waitresses will make you feel like royalty.

Another fascinating destination is the fish port, located in the village of Bohe, about 30 km east of Shuidong. This port processes almost all of the fish and sea products for the region, and in the early morning or late evenings you will witness organized chaos at its best. It is very picturesque, and the air is filled with many pleasant smells. Of course, fresh seafood restaurants are plentiful, and as with all the restaurants in the area, allow you to pick your meal from a wide selection of fish, squid, octopus, crab, shrimp, eel, etc., all swimming around in large tanks. This is as fresh as it gets!

One of the most beautiful drives in the area is a small, dirt road that runs from Lintou Town south to Magang. As you drive you will witness China as you imagined it, with ancient farm buildings, rice farms, and beautiful mountains and hills. Don't be surprised if you are forced to stop while a herd of pigs or ducks is herded across in front of you. This is splendid country! You can also stop and relax at the hot springs (bring your swim suits).

After a long day of sightseeing, one of life's simple pleasures is stopping at one of the many massage parlors and getting a shampoo. For 10 rmb, you will have your hair washed and blown-dry, your face and upper body massaged for almost an hour. For the more adventurous, most parlors also offer full-body massages that will remove every ache and pain, and probably put a few new ones in. Qualities of the massages vary, so if you find a masseur you like, use her regularly.

Shopping is plentiful in DianBai, and you can find almost anything you may want, from CDs to clothing, furniture to food. Westerners are unusual in DianBai, so don't be surprised if you develop a following of school kids anxious to practice their English on you. The people are very friendly, and will try to help in any way they can. It is a very warm and comfortable town.
对咯 有没有翻译啊``??
爱死你了 MY LOVE

“The people are very friendly, and will try to help in any way they can. It is a very warm and comfortable town.”说得我们这么好,令人感动!可”岭门事件“真是另人惭愧!

QUOTE(oyy @ 2005年02月25日 Friday, 09:52 PM)

“The people are very friendly, and will try to help in any way they can. It is a very warm and comfortable town.”说得我们这么好,令人感动!可”岭门事件“真是另人惭愧!


QUOTE(DBLOVER @ 2005年02月06日 Sunday, 02:07 PM)
DianBai County was established in 528 AD, and covers a geographical area of 2,180 square kilometers. It has a population of about 435,000 people, and contains 17 towns. The county government center was located in Shuidong Town. The southern and western areas are flat delta planes on the coast of the South China Sea.
The average temperature is 23 degrees C., with the low coming in January (15.9 C) and the high in July (28.5 C). Average rainfall is 1.9 meters, or over 3 feet per year, most of that coming during the typhoon season of Summer and Autumn.

Primary minerals are coal, copper and zinc, and agricultural products include rice, peanuts, sugar cane, fruits, vegetables and tobacco.
DianBai County lacks any heavy industry, but has several forms of light industry, including engineering, construction, refining, sugar processing, printing and porcelain.

Traveling to DianBai

DianBai can be reached by bus and train (through Maoming) from Guangzhou. A bus ticket from Guangzhou costs about 100 rmb ($12). Buses depart nearly every hour from the main Guangzhou bus terminal, and the trip takes about 5 ½ hours.

There are only a few hotels in DianBai, the nicest one being the DianBai Hotel, located at the end of the main shopping street. An overnight stay costs about $25. If you stay here, you will need to visit one of the local internet cafes to access e-mail, since the owner of this hotel is not yet current with modern technology, and will not let you use your computer modem in your room without charging hefty fees. Fortunately, there are plenty of internet shops available, and prices are only .25 an hour!!

The main mode of transportation in DianBai is motorcycle taxis, which will take you almost anywhere you want to go for .25. These drivers are very familiar with even the smallest, out-of-the-way locations, and are a perfect way to visit the orphanage, finding locations, or any other place you might want to visit.

One of the best places to visit is the "#1 Beach of China" resort. Located about 20 kilometers from downtown, this resort has many fresh seafood restaurants, trinket shops, and several hotels (also very cheaply priced). The beach is amazingly clean, and littered with various types of sea shells and other ocean life. You will want to hire a auto taxi for a trip here (30 rmb), but it is definitely worth it. If weather permits, make sure you allow yourself the luxury of eating dinner on the beach, where the waitresses will make you feel like royalty.

Another fascinating destination is the fish port, located in the village of Bohe, about 30 km east of Shuidong. This port processes almost all of the fish and sea products for the region, and in the early morning or late evenings you will witness organized chaos at its best. It is very picturesque, and the air is filled with many pleasant smells. Of course, fresh seafood restaurants are plentiful, and as with all the restaurants in the area, allow you to pick your meal from a wide selection of fish, squid, octopus, crab, shrimp, eel, etc., all swimming around in large tanks. This is as fresh as it gets!

One of the most beautiful drives in the area is a small, dirt road that runs from Lintou Town south to Magang. As you drive you will witness China as you imagined it, with ancient farm buildings, rice farms, and beautiful mountains and hills. Don't be surprised if you are forced to stop while a herd of pigs or ducks is herded across in front of you. This is splendid country! You can also stop and relax at the hot springs (bring your swim suits).

After a long day of sightseeing, one of life's simple pleasures is stopping at one of the many massage parlors and getting a shampoo. For 10 rmb, you will have your hair washed and blown-dry, your face and upper body massaged for almost an hour. For the more adventurous, most parlors also offer full-body massages that will remove every ache and pain, and probably put a few new ones in. Qualities of the massages vary, so if you find a masseur you like, use her regularly.

Shopping is plentiful in DianBai, and you can find almost anything you may want, from CDs to clothing, furniture to food. Westerners are unusual in DianBai, so don't be surprised if you develop a following of school kids anxious to practice their English on you. The people are very friendly, and will try to help in any way they can. It is a very warm and comfortable town.

