• 论坛网址:https://db2.mom(可微信分享)、https://0668.es、https://0668.cc(全加密访问)


  1. 蜜蜂


    I would recommend you to start by watching cartoon or animation movies. Maybe it's easy to understand. http://www.antimoon.com/how/movies.htm
  2. 蜜蜂


    也留意了近期的股市动态,心又动了,准备重整旗鼓。 http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...&_blg=1,1344488
  3. 蜜蜂


    Quoted from an online dictionary: "Talking dirty: the act of using sexually explicit language in an attempt to get someone sexually aroused. "
  4. 蜜蜂

    交流 黄昏图片一组[原创]

  5. 蜜蜂

    交流 清风竹影

    漂亮, 很喜欢竹! 前2天在一个公园也拍不少竹的照片。
  6. 蜜蜂


    不离不弃,也来祝论坛五周年生日快乐! 除了搜索引擎, 我应该是电白同乡论坛在线最长的蜘蛛吧!
  7. 蜜蜂


    QUOTE(byronroy @ 2009年07月27日 Monday, 12:40 PM) 最有心的华侨:蜜蜂 2814809 谢谢B兄! 你也很有心。
  8. 蜜蜂


    Good to hear that, study smarter not harder! Hope you have a great progress and outcomes!!
  9. 蜜蜂

    向往自由而热爱机车 放飞心情去感受自然

    谢谢分享! 山清水秀,好玩!!
  10. 蜜蜂


    Does this sound like advertisement? What's the "代写代发"mean? These are the very basic outlines of essay.
  11. 蜜蜂

    one night stand wiil be good

    QUOTE(看破红烟 @ 2009年05月22日 Friday, 01:10 AM) Will the bees Moderators, do you agree with me? There is a saying that a good "on the deterioration of the money." The "bad" refers to the meaning of the derailment in the ideological and moral. Fortunately, I am not a rich people. Backward thinking, I...
  12. 蜜蜂

    one night stand wiil be good

    QUOTE(看破红烟 @ 2009年05月18日 Monday, 10:23 PM) One-night stand has been in my mind is a product of Western society, but now the Chinese, particularly in economically developed cities is prevalent. Are one-night stand and the economy can be linked? I am also baffled. 2766120 Maybe, but it's not...
  13. 蜜蜂

    交流 西湖景色

    漂亮! 以前去过。
  14. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    QUOTE(一丁点肥肉都不敢吃 @ 2009年04月20日 Monday, 03:11 PM) 漂亮 ~!!!!国外? 2746806 Yes. QUOTE(莫依 @ 2009年04月21日 Tuesday, 11:52 AM) 哇,那么漂亮,能不能去你家住几天,呵呵!! 2747644 Anytime. QUOTE(№绿豆冰≯← @ 2009年04月27日 Monday, 04:20 PM) 加拿大,好地方… 2753175 嘿嘿。。。是加州。
  15. 蜜蜂

    交流 早晨的风景

  16. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    QUOTE(于景磬 @ 2009年04月20日 Monday, 02:36 PM) 蜜蜂住的地方风景宜人,赏心又悦目・・・・・ 羡慕ING````` 2746794 是一安静的小社区,还算可以。
  17. 蜜蜂

    Welcome to Join English Corner !

    QUOTE(simonvon @ 2009年04月19日 Sunday, 10:46 PM) how about now? does the conner continues? 2746265 Didn't hear anything from "Wiley" lately. I am not sure she still volunteers to organize the activity.
  18. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    QUOTE(camille @ 2009年04月19日 Sunday, 02:39 PM) beautiful... 2745959 QUOTE(于景磬 @ 2009年04月19日 Sunday, 03:50 PM) 樱花真好看・・・ 2746049 Thanks!!
  19. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    今日的。。。。开始出叶了。。。花也开始谢了 [attachmentid=211627] [attachmentid=211628] [attachmentid=211629] [attachmentid=211630] [attachmentid=211631] [attachmentid=211632] [attachmentid=211633] [attachmentid=211634] 门口的花草 [attachmentid=211635] [attachmentid=211638] [attachmentid=211637]
  20. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    10日前的。。。最茂盛时 [attachmentid=211620] [attachmentid=211621] [attachmentid=211622] [attachmentid=211623] [attachmentid=211624] [attachmentid=211625]