• 论坛网址:https://db2.mom(可微信分享)、https://0668.es、https://0668.cc(全加密访问)


  1. 蜜蜂

    hi bee

    QUOTE(一帘幽梦 @ 2010年12月15日 Wednesday, 01:06 PM) hehe**how about English voice chat haha&& 3070874 The time zone is different. It's hard chat together. Unless you can stay late.
  2. 蜜蜂

    hi bee

    I am still hanging in there. Not much changes for me. Thanks for the greeting and coming back here! You should come here more often. It's been quiet here these days.
  3. 蜜蜂

    hi bee

    Yes, fortunately I am still here! What's up?
  4. 蜜蜂

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

    Here comes another Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! [attachmentid=249281] [attachmentid=249282] [attachmentid=249283] [attachmentid=249284] [attachmentid=249285] [attachmentid=249286] [attachmentid=249287] [attachmentid=249288] [attachmentid=249289]
  5. 蜜蜂


    QUOTE(byronroy @ 2010年10月13日 Wednesday, 11:14 AM) 在家乡? 如果你去,估计能入前三名 3043047 不在,不过想和同乡交流下。前三名不敢想。以前每星期打一次,最进少打。 想试最远距离奖、最近洞奖。
  6. 蜜蜂


    乐叔, 我想参加。 15 handicap 可以报名吗?
  7. 蜜蜂


    The "differently" used in here to describe the action verb behave. His behavior or manner has changed. (my two cents)
  8. 蜜蜂

    China passes Japan as second-largest economy

    Although China still has a lot of internal challenges on infrastructure and entrenched poverty, some people in the U.S. are afraid the economic boom in China recently might overtake the U.S. economy as the world's leader soon.
  9. 蜜蜂

    <font color=red>方寸之间 造福电白</font>

    Happy Birthday!!!
  10. 蜜蜂

    China passes Japan as second-largest economy

    By DAVID BARBOZA SHANGHAI ― After three decades of spectacular growth, China passed Japan in the second quarter to become the world’s second-largest economy behind the United States, according to government figures released early Monday. The milestone, though anticipated for some time, is...
  11. 蜜蜂


    Dd碓: o聊人作品 人生何不laughing, ]上眼好好 thinking, 人生就像一幅 painting, cc滴滴如何 coloring, 看你今天怎 planning? 有人怨天尤人常 crying, 有人餐餐食熳 shopping, 有人[蛉碎gR情 playing, 有人空理想S talking; 也有人永不停步不 struggling, 像薛家燕m然百病p身令她 suffering, 但榱俗优淼拿篮 living, 依然不理手g後口仍在 paining, ^m拍±^m working, 令者 worrying, 者 touching, 都f母塾肋h最是...
  12. 蜜蜂


    QUOTE(strong @ 2010年07月27日 Tuesday, 05:47 AM) 谢谢住在Bay Area 的蜜蜂先生。你有心了,如果我不猜错的话,你是沙院人士吧。回到湾区后,希望能有机会与你喝Coffee. 据我所知,生活在Bay Area的电白老乡不出5个家庭。能在异国他乡同乡里小酌,你道是何种心境。。。。。。 3006005 没问题, anytime! 论坛的短消息联络。
  13. 蜜蜂


    QUOTE(strong @ 2010年07月25日 Sunday, 02:29 PM) 此乃思乡恋母之心,并不是良心那么简单。人!不能忘本,更不应忘乡,这是做人的根本。现在,于此已是深夜了,但!我并无一丝困意。我的心境。大家都。。。。。。 刚刚接到家里来电,家母已仙逝。来不及。。。。。。 悔恨啊!!!!悔恨!!!!!!!! 3005102 So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. My prayers to you and your family through this difficult time. Losing a...
  14. 蜜蜂


    两国都是未来IT和经济大国。 这里有两国很全面的比较: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/toc/0...8chinaindia.htm http://images.businessweek.com/ss/05/08/ch...ia/index_01.htm http://images.businessweek.com/ss/05/08/ti...ne/index_01.htm
  15. 蜜蜂


    原文是英文的吧。 这是我4年前发的英文版本: http://0668.cc/index.php?showtopic=57165
  16. 蜜蜂


  17. 蜜蜂


  18. 蜜蜂


    http://news.163.com/10/0512/18/66GMD2S8000146BC.html 陕西南郑幼儿园发生凶杀案 已9名师生死亡 2010-05-12 18:42:52 来源: 新华网(广州)  手机看新闻
  19. 蜜蜂


    QUOTE(byronroy @ 2010年05月08日 Saturday, 12:11 PM) forrest gump 2962520 Oh, yes! I have a picture with Tom Hanks at Monterey, CA in 1998.
  20. 蜜蜂

